2024-25 Select Team Tryouts

For U7-U9 (2016-2018)

Year BornDivisionManagerPhoneEmailDate of first tryoutLocationDate of second tryoutLocation
2018U7Rafi Younger416-836-83522018selectducks@ gmail.comMon. Sept 9 – 5:15pmRinxSun. Sept 15 – 4:00pmBaycrest Arena
2017U8Jesse Nathanson647-972-7911jnathanson@ europro.caTues. Sept 10 – 6:00pmBaycrest ArenaSun. Sept 15 – 6:00pmBaycrest Arena
2016U9Deb Osiel-Paris416-565-6119Debosielparis@ gmail.comThurs. Sept 5 – 6:00pmBaycrest ArenaMon. Sept 9 – 5:00pmBaycrest Arena

Please note the following regarding all tryouts:

  1. Cost of each tryout is $30.00 per skater
  2. Second tryout will be by invitation only

Baycrest Arena – 160 Neptune Dr, North York, ON M6A 1X4

Rinx – 65 Orfus Rd, North York, ON M6A 1L7

Players must be registered for Avenue Road House League to attend tryouts.