It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of our registrar, Stacy Toban, after a long battle with cancer.
Stacy came to our league over 15 years ago and handled the transition from manual registration to online registration, bringing ARHA into the 21st century.
Stacy was the key person in our league providing the necessary information to all other aspects of our league from uniforms to team formation.
In addition, Stacy handled our mite division, ensuring that our members’ first introduction to hockey was fun, enjoyable and a great learning experience.
Stacy knew that the most valuable resource the league has is its volunteers. She was extremely welcoming and patient with our volunteers. She greeted everyone with her beautiful smile and friendly advice on how to get the job done.
In many ways, ARHA was like her second family and she made us all feel a part of that.
She will be greatly missed by our league.